PR Vocabulary Part 3.

3 min readNov 30, 2021

Hi! Let me share some cool vocabulary from my PR book with you!

  1. Hiatus= an interruption in the intensity or amount of something-пауза, перерыв

Leont’ev and Zaporozhets spoke of how the ‘gnostic systems’ that allow ‘gnosis’, or perceptive use of the hands, to take place could be ‘dissociated’ in such cases as a consequence of injury, surgery and the weeks- or months-long hiatus in the use of the hands that followed.

SYNONYMS: pause, break, gap
ANTONYMS: continuation, sustainability

2) Modicum= a small or moderate or token amount=капелька, чуточку, малость

For patients with a severe but sub-total neuropathy, a modicum of use is literally vital, and makes all the difference between being a ‘basket-case’ and reasonably functional (with excessive use, there may be fatigue of the limited nerve function, and sudden de-realisation again).

SYNONYMS: iota, bit, ounce
ANTONYMS: lots of, bunch, a number of, numerous,

3) Derision= contemptuous laughter=насмешка, высмеивание, гогот

Especially distressing to her was the derision which greeted her when she appeared only half made-up, the left side of her face absurdly void of lipstick and rouge.

SYNONYMS: mockery, scorn, jeering
ANTONYMS: admiration, approval, praise

4) Ensuing= following immediately and as a result of what went before-последующий

This worked, in a fashion — at least he stopped tilting: but it was a continuous, exhausting exercise. And then, over the ensuing weeks, it got easier and easier; keeping an eye on his ‘instruments’ became unconscious, like keeping an eye on the instrument panel of one’s car while being free to think, chat, and do other things.

SYNONYMS: following, coming, up next, subsequent
ANTONYMS: preceding, antecedent

5) Don(formal)= put on clothes=надеть

In a couple of weeks we had completed a prototype, a pair of somewhat Heath Robinsonish spirit spectacles: ‘The world’s first pair!’ said Mr MacGregor, in glee and triumph. He donned them.

SYNONYMS: put on, wear dress
ANTONYMS: disrobre, take off

6) Preternatural= surpassing the ordinary or normal=противоестественный, отклоняющийся от нормы

…it is precisely this expressiveness, so deep, so various, so complex, so subtle, which is perfectly preserved in aphasia, though understanding of words be destroyed. Preserved — and often more: preternaturally enhanced..

SYNONYMS: abnormal, anomalous, deviant, aberrant
ANTONYMS: common, natural, regular, ordinary

7) Galvanize= stimulate to action= активизировать, стимулировать, мобилизовать

We see in the Mnemonist — or in my own overenergised, galvanised patients on L-Dopa — a sort of animation gone extravagant, monstrous, or mad — not merely an excess, but an organic proliferation, a generation; not just an imbalance, a disorder of function, but a disorder of generation.

SYNONYMS: stimulate, spur, stir
ANTONYMS: discourage, deter, stop

8) Equivocal= open to question=сомнительный, неоднозначный

The human dilemmas, in such situations, are of an extraordinary kind: for patients are here faced with disease as seduction, something remote from, and far more equivocal than, the traditional theme of illness as suffering or affliction.

SYNONYMS: ambiguous, doubtful, uncertain, vague
ANTONYMS: clear, define, obvious, certain

9) Whimsical= indulging in or influenced by the imagination=причудливый

At this point I conceived a whimsical fantasy or private joke: suppose (I said to myself) that Tourette’s is very common but fails to be recognised but once recognised is easily and constantly seen.

SYNONYMS: fanciful, droll, eccentric
ANTONYMS: common, regular, serious, reasonable

10) Surfeit= the state of being more than full=избыток

On the other hand, there is not just a surfeit of dopamine in the Touretter’s brain, as there is not just a deficiency of it in the Parkinsonian brain.

SYNONYMS: excess, plentitude, overabundance

