Pleasure Reading. Vocabulary. Part 2

2 min readOct 31, 2021

Hi, everyone! Let me share some cool vocabulary from my PR book with you once again!

1) Genial= diffusing warmth and friendliness –радушный, приветливый

He was a genial soul, very ready to talk and to answer any questions I asked him.

SYNONYMS: amiable, friendly, affable
ANTONYMS: rude ,mean, gloomy

2) Consummate= having or revealing supreme mastery or skill=непревзойденный, совершенный

Unless he was a consummate actor, a fraud simulating an astonishment he did not feel, this was an utterly convincing demonstration that he was still in the past.

SYNONYMS: gifted, talented, skilled.|
ANTONYMS: inept, poor

3) Façade= a showy misrepresentation to conceal something unpleasant-прикрытие, видимость

I have no feeling or evidence,’ the psychiatrist wrote, of any hysterical or “put-on” deficit. He lacks both the means and the motive to make a façade.

SYNONYMS: disguise, cloak
ANTONYMS: truth, reality

4) Drivel= a worthless message чушь, чепуха, бессмыслица

But were there depths in this unmemoried man, depths of an abiding feeling and thinking, or had he been reduced to a sort of Humean drivel, a mere succession of unrelated impressions and events?

SYNONYMS: nonsense, gibberish, tripe
ANTONYMS: sense, wisdom, truth

5) Fallible= likely to fail or make errors=склонный ошибаться, ненадежный

There was no forgetting, no Korsakov’s then, nor did it seem possible or imaginable that there should be; for he was no longer at the mercy of a faulty and fallible mechanism — that of meaningless sequences and memory traces…..

SYNONYMS: faulty, untrustworthy, imperfect
ANTONYMS: perfect, reliable, unerring

6) Confound= be confusing or perplexing to= озадачить, сбить с толку

This was an amazing thing to hear, confounded, confounding.

SYNONYMS: to confuse, to bewilder, to puzzle
ANTONYMS: to clarify, to clear up, to explain, to make clear

7) Solicitude= a feeling of excessive concern=обеспокоенность, забота

And society lacks words, and sympathy, for such states. The blind, at least, are treated with solicitude — we can imagine their state, and we treat them accordingly.

SYNONYMS: anxiety, care, concern, disquiet
ANTONYMS: carelessness, inattention, negligence, unconcern

8) Vociferate= utter in a very loud voice=кричать, голосить

He had somehow contrived to fall out of bed, and was now sitting on the floor, carrying on and vociferating, and refusing to go back to bed.

SYNONYMS: holler, shout, yell, bellow
ANTONYMS: be quiet, to whisper

9) Quip= witty remark=острота, тонкое замечание

It was New Year’s Eve, and everyone was celebrating. Half the staff were drunk; quips and crackers were flying; a carnival scene.

SYNONYMS: banter, pun, repartee
ANTONYMS: to gibe, gag

10) Incredulity= doubt about the truth of something=недоверие , скептицизм

He gazed at me with a look compounded of stupefaction, incredulity, terror and amusement, not unmixed with a jocular sort of suspicion, ‘Ah Doc!’ he said. ‘You’re fooling me! You’re in cahoots with that nurse — you shouldn’t kid patients like this!

SYNONYMS: disbelief, skepticism, doubt
ANTONYMS: belief, certainty, sureness, trust

