From Scratch

2 min readOct 5, 2021

It certainly has been a long trip to the land of hope. After years of suppression and prosecution, I had to flee to the place that I had only read about before in newspapers. They said my ideas didn’t comply with the society’s views and common beliefs. But did they actually mean this? I’m apt to believe they were just terrified that people like me would once capture the people’s minds and would become eye-openers for all that blind society that doesn’t see the dire realities of the country they live in. They abolished my books and came over to my place to threaten me and my family. The whole public system in all its spheres is rotted in my country. Girls and women are being harassed by the authorities right at their workplaces or educational institutions. Nobody can protect them, because it’s well-known that the prosecutors’ offices are filled with bribes from the very deviants. They’ll never be brought to justice, yet you will definitely be accused of slander. The brightest children and youths cannot enter a college. Working people are constantly laid off without any sound reason, or explanation. The only reason is that they have decided to hire a friend-of a friend-of a friend-of a friend, who is much younger and less experienced than you are, however, his granddad is a member of the party. They firmly reduce salaries, welfares while increasing work hours. One night I just realized I was fed up with this injustice. I have no power to put up a fight, to resist, and to reject the system. I took my older sister and my nephew with me because they are the only close people of mine. I don’t want my nephew to live in this oppression and constant violation.

I seek justice and equal opportunity. I seek freedom and safety. I left France to find a new home.

